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S01E02 8


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████    词组 & 惯用语

[学习本文需要基础词汇量:6,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:4,000 ]

It was everything susan could do to keep a smile on her face.
Round two was under way, and she was already taking a beating.

- You know what, mrs. Britt?- What edie hadn't counted on...

- Do you know who I always liked?
- Was Susan had someone else in her corner.

Mr. Authwell -- your fourth husband.

Oh, he was my second husband. I've only been married twice.


You weren't married to the guy with all the tattoos that they took away in handcuffs?

No, Julie, she wasn't married to Javier.

That was just one of her special friends.

I think we should change the subject. You know, unless you want to keep talking about it.

Bongo, get down.

Wait, wait. Let -- let me show you something. Bongo.

He loves that gravy.

While you were in there tossing the salad,

I taught him something.


Susan was furious with Edie for using a dog to ingratiate herself with its owner.

She was also furious with Mike for not seeing through this blatant maneuver.

But mostly...

you know what? I'm going to go get the desserts.

She was furious with herself for not having thought of it first.

I can barely get him to sit.

You are a good dog. You're the best dog ever. Yes, you are.

Ha ha. I've never seen him walk on two legs.

Well, he knows who to come to, doesn't he? He knows who to come to.

Here's your dessert.

Thank you. Mmm. My, this looks yummy.

Oh, look at that.

Looks like Bongo's finally warming up to Susan.

Yeah, we just got off on the wrong foot. We're best buddies now.

Oh, what a good boy.

Bongo, are you okay?

What's wrong with him?

I don't know. I've never heard him make that sound.

Hey, you okay, pal?


Hey, you all right? You okay? Come on.

Call the vet. The number's on the fridge. Tell him I'll be right there.

Okay, don't you worry about a thing. I'll stay here and get everything cleaned up.

Thanks, Edie.

Is there anything I can do?


- Hey.- Hey.

How's Bongo doing?

I'm, uh, just waiting to see if they'll have to operate.

Oh, god.

I-I... I stopped and I got this...

I am just so sorry for this.

I'm really sorry I snapped at you. I was ju so --

Oh, no, it's okay.

Good news.

We won't have to do surgery.

Oh, that's great.

We've given Bongo something to help pass the earring.

When he does, would you like us to retrieve it for you?

I'm going to say no.

Okay. You should be able to take him home in about an hour.

You must be so relieved.

I'm sorry. I was just really worried.

Well, it was your dog. I get it.

Actually, he was my wife's dog, and, uh...

one of the last things she said to me in the hospital before she died

was to be sure I looked after him,

and, um, I promised her I would.

And just like that,Susan could suddenly see something she'd never seen before.

He, uh, meant so much to her.

Mike Delfino was still in love with his late wife.

And if, uh, something had happened, I would have felt like I had failed her.

I know that sounds stupid, but I...

and she knew right then neither she nor Edie would be laying claim to his heart anytime soon.

No, it doesn't. Not at all.

So she decided, for now,

she could settle for just being his friend.

This is for you. Well, for Bongo.

You give it to him.

Yes. As I look back at the world I left behind,

it's all so clear to me:

the beauty that waits to be unveiled,

the mysteries that long to be uncovered.

But people so rarely stop to take a look,

they just keep moving.

It's a shame really,

there's so much to see.


buddies [ˈbʌdi:z] n. 伙伴,好朋友(buddy的复数形式) v. 交朋友(buddy的第三人称单数形式) { :4109}

dessert [dɪˈzɜ:t] n. 餐后甜点;甜点心 n. (Dessert)人名;(法)德塞尔 {gk cet6 ky toefl :4269}

desserts [dɪ'zɜ:ts] n. 甜点;甜品(dessert的复数) { :4269}

uncovered [ʌnˈkʌvəd] v. 揭露(uncover的过去分词);脱帽致敬;移去覆盖物 adj. 无覆盖物的;[保险] 未保险的;无盖的 { :4432}

uh [ʌh,ʌ] int. 嗯啊 abbr. 上半部分(upper half) n. (Uh)人名;(挪)乌赫 { :4478}

furious [ˈfjʊəriəs] adj. 激烈的;狂怒的;热烈兴奋的;喧闹的 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :4734}

retrieve [rɪˈtri:v] n. [计] 检索;恢复,取回 vt. [计] 检索;恢复;重新得到 vi. 找回猎物 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :4952}

pal [pæl] n. 朋友,伙伴;同志 n. (Pal)人名;(西、意、罗、印、巴基、瑞典)帕尔;(柬)巴 vi. 结为朋友 {cet6 ielts :5020}

fridge [frɪdʒ] n. 电冰箱 n. (Fridge)人名;(英)弗里奇 {zk cet4 cet6 ky ielts :5453}

tattoos [tæˈtu:z] n. 刺青,纹身(tattoo的复数) v. 刺花纹于…(tattoo的第三人称单数) { :6033}

unveiled [ˌʌn'veɪld] v. 公开(unveil的过去分词);原形毕露 adj. 裸露的;公布于众的 { :6190}

vet [vet] n. 兽医 vt. 审查;诊疗 vi. 作兽医;诊疗 n. (Vet)人名;(柬)韦;(罗)韦特 { :6728}

earring [ˈɪərɪŋ] n. 耳环,耳饰 v. 抽穗;听见(ear的ing形式) {gre :6973}

maneuver [mə'nu:və] n. [军] 机动;演习;策略;调遣 vi. [军] 机动;演习;调遣;用计谋 vt. [军] 机动;演习;用计;调遣 {ky toefl ielts gre :7199}

um [ʌm, əm] n. (Um)人名;(柬)温;(阿拉伯)乌姆 int. 嗯(表示迟疑) { :7325}

gravy [ˈgreɪvi] n. 肉汁;不法利润;轻易得来的钱 { :9062}

blatant [ˈbleɪtnt] adj. 喧嚣的;公然的;炫耀的;俗丽的 {gre :10787}

handcuffs [ˈhændkʌfs] n. 手铐 用手铐铐住 { :11213}

mmm [ ] int. 嗯 { :13091}

ju [ ] abbr. 六月(June) { :18201}

yummy [ˈjʌmi] n. 美味的东西;令人喜爱的东西 adj. 好吃的;美味的;愉快的 {gk :18334}

anytime ['enɪˌtaɪm] adv. 任何时候;无例外地 { :19391}

Javier [ ] [地名] [西班牙] 哈维尔 { :25542}

bongo [ˈbɒŋgəʊ] n. 羚羊的一种;小手鼓 n. (Bongo)人名;(刚(布)、加蓬)邦戈 { :25937}

ingratiate [ɪnˈgreɪʃieɪt] vt. 使迎合;使讨好;使逢迎 {gre :26257}

anytime soon [ ] [网络] 随时

clean up [kli:n ʌp] na. 收拾干净;【机械工程】改正;〔俚语〕赚厚利 [网络] 打扫;打扫干净;清除

count on [kaunt ɔn] na. 指望;预料到;期望 [网络] 依靠;依赖;期待

good buddy [ ] [美国口语]老弟,老兄,好伙计(主用于民用波段无线电台通话);[民用电台俚语]使用民用电台频道者,民用无线电台的使用者

ha ha [hɑ: hɑ:] n. (造在花园界沟里不遮挡视线的)隐篱;哈哈的笑声;哈哈的笑声;〔美俚〕(对某人的)嘲笑 int. 哈哈;哈哈!〔表示嘲笑等〕 [网络] 呵呵;娜塔莎啊;打拳的动作

i promise [ ] [网络] 我保证;我发誓;我答应你

ingratiate herself with [ ] vt.讨好

it's a shame [ ] [网络] 真遗憾;真丢人;很可惜

marry to [ ] [网络] 和……结婚;嫁给某人;与…结婚

settle for [ˈsetl fɔ:] na. 满足于 [网络] 勉强接受;将就;勉强认可

snap at [snæp æt] v. 骂 [网络] 咬;厉声说;急促地说

the beauty [ ] [网络] 美丽;雪纤瘦;美人

warm up [wɔ:m ʌp] na. 加热;变暖;热中起来;【运】作准备动作 [网络] 热身;暖身;热身运动

warm up to [ ] [网络] 适应

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
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